Monday, March 29, 2010

Checking Out other middle school's games.

The Ryan's Robotic Robots did a very good job on there game demo. Their buttons are good and how you push th answer and if its wrong it says inncorrect try again. We could use the part in Robotic robots game where the guy swims to the answer and should swim to the right answer then take it back to the diving on it. We could use that but make to fit our game. I would suggest to them that they

Friday, March 12, 2010

Our presentations.

The hardest part in our presentations was telling the people about our game. The best part of presentations was showing them our demo. I think that was the best part about presentations because they said we did good with that and we had a good game. David said we did good and the idea of a ninja game. Racheal said she agreed with david and she said she liked how the ninja moved in the city in our demo.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Presenting our game

In presenting our game we talked about what grade our game is for third and forth graders. We picked that grade level because we thought it would be easier for us. I think the easy part of presenting our game is getting out of school for it and putting pictures on the powerpoint. The hardest part was thinking what we will say for the presentation. In the powerpoint, I liked telling what our game was going to be like. In the game you be able to protect the citzens of San diego. You get shoot laser guns, nunchucks, and jet packs. We are going to tell them what the character can do and it will be a good game. We learned from the 7th graders that we have to have a good powerpoint and we have to research of what we came up with the game.